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J a m i e  R o c k 



F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

"Jamie Rock sang... As always, his voice was strong and melodious, with every word audible, and his commitment evident." WS Free Press


“purposively sung by a clear-voiced Jamie Rock” Claire Seymour, opera today


"Wonderful Irish baritone Jamie Rock delivered the prophet's curse with such strength and conviction, he set the tone for the whole evening."


“Young Jamie Rock was a delight as the husband Louis, performing with coltish animation and charming us with an infectiously appealing lyric baritone.” James Sohre, Music and Vision


It says much for Rock’s stage confidence that he established a character in the short time available to him”


“The remaining roles were all taken ably by…Jamie Rock….and the quality of their singing made the experience feel like a real ensemble piece.”


“The performance featured top-drawer singing from all the principals, with the down-to-earth Figaro…of Jamie Rock…outstanding” Michael Tumelty, The Herald


“Jamie Rock’s focused and forthright baritone….” Irish Times


"Baritone Jamie Rock, who made a brief and telling appearance...had earlier in the week taken centre stage...enabled him to exploit his comic talents." Irish Times

S O C I A L  M E D I A
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